Social Media - Boon or Bane for stars?

Thanks to social media stars today are almost everywhere with you across Facebook,Twitter, Instagram et al. Although social media has made starts more accessible to their fans it has also robbed stars of the aura and mystery they had in the earlier days.

Lets look at the positives first. Social Media helps stars in many ways right from clearing air about any controversies, airing their views instantly on relevant issues, replying to their fans 1 on 1 and most importantly lets the fans know who and how they are as a person.

For long star images have been at the mercy of tabloids many of them just reporting false and juicy stories to boost their sales and fans had no idea if these were true. Although it didnt' affect their stardom all the times as the fans still flocked to theatres to watch them in spite of a bad PR.

Although television existed by the time they would air your views damage of a bad PR would already had been done. Also, many times television would add more fuel to the fire by conveniently editing the bytes to generate controversies. But with social media stars can demolish any false stories by them right away.

In today's times it has also become important for the stars to have a connect with the audience because of the options the audiences have today - web series, Netflix, internet as a whole.

However, it has some flip sides too - it has certainly robbed them of their aura they had earlier. A sense of mystery surrounded them which further heightened their stardom. They would endlessly wait in front of their homes to catch a glimpse of them (they still do but the magnitude is smallers)

But now with social media they are conversing with them throughout the day on Twitter, you know where they are holidaying on Instagram, they are in fact also there on TV constantly promoting their movies. So since they are already such an active part of your life, you may not be that excited to go and watch them on 70 MM the way you used to go earlier just to watch them.

Earlier, many average movies also became successful just because of star power because people loved watching a particular star on screen and went to see them even if the overall content was not good. That simply would stop happening in future with their continued exposure on social media and other platforms.

So its difficult to take a call whether its a boon or a bane for them because on one hand it has definitely robbed stars of their aura earlier but at the same time they have helped them a forge a personal connect with the fans and letting them know the real person they are.


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